נטע ליבנה תכשיטים מעוצבים לוגו
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Jewelry is designed as a tool for personal expression

I started creating designer jewelry following my love of miniatures that began in my childhood. We are all witnesses to the amazing phenomenon that has engulfed the State of Israel since the beginning of the war. Immediately after October 7, the discs began to appear with the inscription: “Our heart is captive in Gaza” in Hebrew and English. Thus, a social brotherhood was created that unites the entire nation. It’s not for nothing that everyone connected to the same simple and cheap disc, because it has intention, faith, symbolism and unity. Since ancient times, jewelry has been symbols.

The medal has been used since ancient ages and to this day, the symbols of ranks, seal rings, wedding rings and engagement jewelry have always been symbols. As someone who has always loved designer jewelry, regardless of gold and diamonds, regardless of prestige, value and monetary value, I was attracted to the magic of jewelry because they are such small accessories, and because they are so meaningful, interesting and surprising. In fact, any visual element when sculpted in small can become a piece of jewelry. A safety pin, token, projectile, strawberry, flower, banana, chair, anything small can be hung on the neck or ears or on a bracelet and turned into jewelry. You can also take a number of small elements and connect them, and even then a unique visual language is created that can be used as jewelry.

Designer jewelry is like spices. The clothes are like the dish itself and the accessories are the spices. Sometimes it’s enough to wear something very basic, such as a sleek black dress or jeans and a white T-shirt, and what will make the show is all around. Makeup, hair, jewelry, shoes, a handbag, and sometimes a belt or scarf. When wearing a large and significant piece of jewelry, it is called a statement jewel, it actually constitutes the bulk of the appearance. He is the one who attracts the most attention. Such as the large earrings that have always been identified with Shoshana Damari.

שרשרת דיסקית הלב שלנו שבוי בעזה
תכשיטים מעוצבים
תכשיטים מעוצבים בסגנון אופנתי
תכשיט סטייטמנט מעוצב
נטע ליבנה כילדה
נטע הילדה עם עגילים

I started creating designer jewelry in a fashionable style because I couldn’t get the style of jewelry I wanted to wear anywhere. When I was younger, I had all kinds of simple jewelry and designer jewelry that I collected over the years. To this day I have the old jewelry box that contains all the jewelry I wore when I was younger. There’s no way in the world I’ll give them away or throw them away. They go from house to house with me throughout my life and each of them has a story for me.

I’ve always been attracted to miniatures. I loved looking and admiring the small details. As a child, I loved the little toys that simulate big things. I also fulfill my love for miniatures through jewelry. For me, being part of the Israeli art community and creating jewelry that falls into the category called designer jewelry is a great privilege.

תכשיט מעוצב מיניאטורי
עגילים מעוצבים
קופסת התכשיטים הישנה
קופסת תכשיטים מעוצבים

Designer jewelryand jewelry design is actually a practice of miniature art.Create a small and light element that can be worn on the body and with its help achievesome added value.A designer jewelis like a spice in cooking.Creating an interesting and inspiring performance requires us women to pay attention to detail. Whether it’s makeup and hair. The clothes and accessories underneath, above and near. Lingerie, accessories such as belt, handbag, shoes, hair accessories, nails and jewelry.

The importance of designer jewelry is like the importance of spices in cooking, and in order to reach a level of sanity in our appearance, we must invest in tasting, experimentation and wondering, creativity and striving for perfection. On the visual level, there is no second chance for a first impression and if it is important for us to feel good, to feel full of confidence, to feel that the external impression we transmit matches the internal message we want to convey, we must build an individual style of appearance with attention to the small details. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose our jewelry from the collections of Designer jewelry and not necessarily jewelry that comes and is imported from factories.

שתי נשים עונדות תכשיטי מעצבים
תכשיטי מעצבים לנשים
אשה עונדת תכשיטי מעצבים
תכשיטי מעצבים על דוגמנית

I have been an artist and jewelry designer for the past twenty years and part of the community of artists that exports Israeli designer jewelry to the world as a way to represent the State of Israel as well, and especially in this challenging period we find ourselves in today, I feel the need to express a personal opinion. My position is neither political nor religious. My position is social, humane and spiritual.

I’ve always been attracted to miniatures. As a child, I loved the little toys that simulate big things. I also fulfill my love for miniatures through jewelry. I believe that designer jewelry can also be individually designed for everyone. The jewelry design can be adapted to the wardrobe style in terms of colors and design style. The jewelry I design has several styles, with each style defined as a collection. I design classic, delicate, romantic and sparkling jewelry that conveys festivity and elegance.

These are jewelry that are suitable for festive occasions or everyday life for a relaxed, relaxed and slightly conservative look. Bohemian jewelry is more “kicking” jewelry that is more unique, unusual, artistic and artistic, more suitable for a slightly provocative appearance, a more hippie, thrown away, comfortable, colorful and full of presence. Bohemian-style jewelry also includes a collection called Energy and Empowerment Jewelry. In these jewelry I use the paintings I make. Mandala paintings and abstract paintings that I turn into jewelry. Pendants and earrings.

The jewelry I design can be found in stores and websites of Israeli designer jewelry and the goal is to reach as many places in the world with them as possible. The energy of these jewelry comes from the intention embedded within them, whether it is through the symbols, the mandala symbols are meaningful symbols where each symbol has a meaning, or through a word or sentence that is embedded in the jewelry. When you wear jewelry with meaning, you actually connect to the intention, which receives the energy of a frequency that we transmit and to which we connect.

This is also where the Judaica jewelry collection comes in.

תכשיטי מעצבים בסגנון אלגנטי
תכשיט מעצבים בסגנון אלגנטי
עגילים בסגנון אלגנטי
תכשיטי מעצבים בסגנון עגילים אלגנטיים

As a stylist and someone who deals with fashion and loves fashion, I also have a collection that is focused on fashion and is called the Urban Collection. These are jewelry whose main function is to complete the garment. Most of them are monochromatic. Gold, silver, is sometimes also combined with black or natural tones.

This is a slightly bold collection, yet quiet and conveys a business style, suitable for businesswomen, lawyers and women who wear uniforms and want to add their own personal shade. The choice of jewelry is as unique and individual as the choice of clothes and shoes.

Many women wear jewelry that is the main thing of sentimental value. Usually a piece of jewelry they received as a gift. Jewelry is an element that many people like to give as a gift mainly because of the sentimental value it provides.

Many people around the world are interested in purchasing Israeli designer jewelry and that’s where I come into the picture as an Israeli designer who exports jewelry to the world.

שרשרת מעצבים בסגנון אורבני
תכשיטי מעצבים בסגנון אורבני

From childhood I loved looking at designer jewelry for a woman, a princess, a queen, a doll…

עגילים מלכותיים
עגילים בסגנון תכשיטי מעצבים לנסיכות ומלכות

I loved seeing designer jewelry for women in museums and royal palaces. For me, designer jewelry for a woman was a kind of toy.
At the age of nine, I arrived on a family trip to England for a month. I lived three weeks in Cambridge and ten days in London. As an Israeli girl who grew up all her life in a small neighborhood in Bat Yam, exposure to the big world made me feel like Alice in Wonderland. I discovered whole worlds of fashion and art and as a child I was especially excited about the beauty and colorfulness in all places. The colorful popsicles, candies, cakes, manicured gardens, flowers, greenery of the grasses and beautiful sky. The animals, the ducks with the small ducklings.

In London, the red road leading to the Queen’s Palace. The colorful and special shoe stores. The clothes are stunning. The miniatures of the display of Queen Windsor Palace amazed me. I didn’t want to walk away. I could look at them for hours. And then I became addicted to Barbies. Dress her, decorate her, build her a house with a handsome groom named Ken and a pink jeep. I made all my Barbie’s dreams come true. And today I do it for myself and for other women.Busy making dreams come true.

As a business owner and creator of designer jewelry for women, I believe that every woman deserves to fulfill her dream. To fulfill who she is and her essence When I arrived in big cities I discovered whole worlds of fashion and art and was exposed to original, artistic, special things. Traveling abroad exposed me to worlds far away and very different from the State of Israel. Different landscapes, different atmosphere, different mentality, different cultures. When I started working in the field of designer jewelry for women, I was about 17 years old. At that time in the State of Israel, the fashion sector was very poor. Ata and Mashbir stores at best.

Most of the clothes I wore as a child were inherited from my older sister and from all sorts of relatives who donated sacks of clothes to us. To this day, I am traumatized by second-hand and vintage clothing, and the whole fashion of old clothes really doesn’t speak to me, despite the fact that the ideological idea behind it is not a bad idea at all.

I have always loved making custom designed jewelry for myself. I grew up in a home in an immigrant neighborhood in Bat Yam. My parents were born in Israel, but as a young couple they wanted to live close to their parents in Holon, close to the sea in Bat Yam and cheaply. As a second child, most of my clothes passed on to me from my sister and cousins who sent us clothes that were small on them. Sometimes it was really fun to get a bag of clothes. At home, the concepts of being original, of being something special, had a very significant value. The greatest compliment about someone was: “She’s something special.” And so the aspiration to be… Something special.

And so I started making custom designed jewelry for myself. As a child, every outfit purchase was a complete celebration. I remember walking around with my mother on the streets of Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station, or in south Tel Aviv or in the commercial center in Bat Yam. Until I found something I liked, it was usually either too expensive, or didn’t fit the style my mother wanted. And so from a very young age I became a rebellious child. From there it started and it accompanies me to this day.

I also make custom designed jewelry for fashion designers with whom I collaborate. In the State of Israel, which is rife with wars and traumas, we all need healing. It is not for nothing that there are so many talented people in the State of Israel from many fields. Here in Israel, the melting pot of all the cultures of the world has been created. My greatest dream right now is to establish a cultural and spiritual center for all religions in the State of Israel. I believe that it is not for nothing that Israel is considered the Holy Land throughout the world.

I believe that in order for us to remain in the State of Israel as a Jewish state, we must allow human rights, nature and life both here and around the world. My motto is to heal the planet. Nature. The animals and the humans. HEAL THE WORLD, MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE, FOR YOU AND FOR ME AND THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE.

As an Israeli designer, I use jewelry as a kind of ambassador that represents in Israel and around the world the Israeli voice that seeks to express creativity, spirituality, love, peace and compassion. My voice in fashion is also my voice in the cultural field. I represent the values of a brand that combines fashion, art, spirituality, Israeli and international. My goal is to spread my jewelry around the world, collaborating with fashion designers, galleries, and gift shops.

Designer jewelry is a tool, it is a language, it is another way of expressing ourselves. When we are in the mood, when we wake up with positive energy, we want to decorate ourselves, to show our beauty to the world by another necklace, an earring, a dominant ring. When we go to a special event, we will look not only for the garment that characterizes us, but for the bracelet that is customized for it. Jewelry has a unique ability to show the world who we are. The jewelry is a language of our interpersonal communication with ourselves and ours with the outside world.

In the jewelry I create, I pour positive messages that strengthen the soul and create an energy of intention. I have a whole collection of jewelry called “Energy and Empowerment Jewelry” , in this collection you can find jewelry that, besides being spectacular, is also full of positive meaning and intention that connect the mind and spirit to the intention to which we decided to connect that day. The leading symbols in the collection are symbols with intent/ First and foremost, the obvious is: the heart. that symbolizes love, The infinity that symbolizes the infinity of our soul existenceThe lotus, a symbol of the power of femininity, the metatron, the symbol of the chariot that represents the aura of protection that surrounds us, the flower of life, the seed of life and the tree of life symbolize the endless connection to nature and the chandela of the shriantra symbolizes connection to the upper worlds. In my jewelry, designed jewelry, you can also find a variety of Jewish symbols. Magen David, Hamsa, Shema Yisrael.